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There is no single formula for co-production but there are some key features that are present in co-production initiatives. These features include: 

  • Identifying people who use services as assets with skills and knowledge

  • Naming and working to break down the barriers between people who use services and professionals.

  • Seeking to build on people’s existing capabilities include reciprocity (where people get something back for having done something for others) and mutuality (people working together to achieve their shared interests)

  • Developing peer and personal support networks alongside professional networks to  facilitate services to become agents for change rather than just being service providers. 

Some definitions of co-production include:

Co-production is not just a word or a concept, it is the coming together to find a shared solution. In practice, it involves people who use services being consulted, included and working together from the start to the end of any project or intervention that affects them. 

Co-production is a way of working whereby people who use services and service providers work together to create a decision or service which works for them all. The approach is value driven and built on the principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design it. 

A relationship where social care workers share power with those that they are working with to plan and deliver support together, recognises that both have vital contributions to make in order to improve quality of life. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out some of the following resources: 

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