
The term 'individualised' relates to individual care planning including, assessing an individual's needs, identifying strengths, risks, goals and preferences. Tuning into the individual and their world is extremely important for working in a person-centered way. Knowing the person and taking the time to understand where they are coming from and what 'the good life' means to them makes it easier to identify needs that they have and areas they would like assistance or support with.
There are many tools available to social care workers to help them to better understand the person/ people they are working with. Of course, this links with the relational aspect of the work and the importance of the relationship between worker and service user. Some tools that help us to understand what or who is important to that person include:
Eco-mapping and genograms: learning about the relationships, connections and social supports that are important to that person
Person-centered thinking tools: exploring goals, preferences, desires and creating space for voice
Games, creative tools, art, drama, music can all be utilised in better understanding the person's world.
Within disability services, we have seen a shift towards personalised budgets which allow people with disabilities to make their own choices around how to meet their support needs. Currently, people with disabilities can continue to receive services from a funded provider or they can apply for a personalised budget and make arrangements to meet their own needs. Within the wider context of social care services, this development is a progressive and exciting one, as one may be able to focus less on what is available and more on what is possible.
Ecomaps and other resources:
"Fionnathon", a son and father duo (Fionn and Jonathon) and an inspirational story of following ones dreams:
Person centered planning tools: