Legislation & Policy
Children First Act 2015
Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations) (1989)
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
Children First Guidance 2017
Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998
National Vetting Bureau Acts 2012 and 2016
Freedom of Information Act 2014
Data Protection Act 2018
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
Mental Health Act (2001) and amendment 2018
Policies, strategies, plans
Sharing the Vision – a Mental Health Policy for Everyone’ for the period 2020-2030 https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/2e46f-sharing-the-vision-a-mental-health-policy-for-everyone/
Housing for all- Government housing policy until 2030 https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/dfc50-housing-for-all/
Connecting for Life. National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-20 https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/mental-health-services/nosp/preventionstrategy/connectingforlife.pdf
HSE National Service Plan 2015 https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/publications/serviceplans/national-service-plan-2021.pdf
HSE National Consent Policy: https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/qid/other-quality-improvement-programmes/consent/national-consent-policy-hse-v1-3-june-2019.pdf
A Vision for Change. Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy published in 200. https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/mental-health-services/visionforchange/
Better Outcomes Brighter Future Coordinate policy across Government to achieve better outcomes.https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/775847-better-outcomes-brighter-futures/
International, European and Irish legislation and policy underpin health and social care practice. The EU provide conventions and charters on rights of children, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. The Childcare Act (1991) has been the most significant piece of Irish legislation that underpins social care practice, however in the last decade there has been a significant increase in the development of legislation, mostly in response to the both the emerging needs of society and its members and also developed from enquiries and tribunals into how the state failed in its care to Irish citizens in the past. Examples of some of the relevant legislation, policies and strategic plans are listed below